Case Study — NHS Jobs
We have been busy on the airwaves over the last month, releasing videos that bring to life all the facets of our business — from why we are difrent to our culture. One of our favourites is a Case Study for our NHS Jobs platform work. Where our team has sat side-by-side with NHSBSA to make the NHS Jobs platform quicker, easier and smarter.
Here is our Delivery Lead, Chris King, talking personally from within the heart of the action…..
The next two blog posts are going to be quite work focussed, but that’s what you get from someone who hasn’t blogged for a while — and is in the middle of a number of really positive, and thought-provoking conversations at work…
Today (Monday 9th March) I am on another company video. It’s a case study of the work we do at Difrent.
I really enjoyed the process of making the videos. Talking about what we do is 90% of the objectives I have in my head (if not down on paper), so doing it on camera — admittedly with four other people in the room — felt quite natural. Even if the mannerisms I sometimes display, suggest otherwise.
A twitch in time didn’t actually cost nine reshoots — even if it felt like it on the day. LINE!
The case study focuses on the work we are doing to rebuild the NHS Jobs service. I feel compelled to say at this point that it is more than just a website. As a minimum, it is a collaborative process we are undertaking with the NHS Business Services Authority.
We are providing skills and know-how — they are providing the same, but different.
We have Business Analysts talking to Subject Matter Experts on research and functionality. Interaction Designers working with Performance Analysts to understand breaks or pauses in the service. Knowledge and experience sit in equal measures on both sides of the fence — just, there is no fence.
Knowing where the two organisations start and end is not always easy. One team, one dream — as someone once said in a team retrospective.
The job of the team is to look at things on a micro and macro level. To analyse where each part of the research fits the puzzle, of the problem we are trying to design out.
Working together to understand how the shortlisting process works as part of a jobs service, is not intended simply to put an applicant in front of an interview panel (micro). Our job — the team, the service — is to put the very best candidates in front of their patients (macro).
The work only ends when that job is filled. That’s our real goal.
A lot has happened during my time on the service — stretching back almost 18 months now. We have built a Minimum Viable Product — passed an assessment, continuously challenged each other and expanded as a team.
Our approach has flexed and moulded over that time, but we still absolutely listen to our users. Then come together as a team, and continue to release the functionality those users ultimately need.
More to do. Lots more to discuss and debate — but as case studies go — you’ll be hard-pressed to find a better example of a blended, multi-disciplinary team working together towards a common goal.
To put the right people in the same room as each other — each step we take.
Interested in knowing more about our NHS work, check out our current case study here
Written by Chris King — Difrent’s Delivery Lead
Twitter: @NorthernWrites
Originally published at